VISPO Texture/Material hand-made with vintage paper stock & acrylic inks, digitally collaged & illustrated using Procreate for iPad, & then digitized into a 3D texture using Adobe Sampler.

VISPO/Visual Poem also extended into a short spatial erasure videopoem, "Bones Remain".
‘Bones Remain’ is a 1.17min spatial poetry/visual poetry (VISPO) work exploring the intersection between poetry & visual art. In the tradition of experimental genres such as the cut-up, collage, permutation, altered book, & erasure poem, ‘Bones Remain’ dissects the idea of the book in both a literal & philosophical way. Books are usually thought of as 2D, static, fixed pieces of historically relevant narratives – ReVerse Butcher wants you to (re)think books as contested spaces for possible intervention, creative agency, & rebellion. She sees books as multi-layered places where multiple meanings hide behind the illusion of being locked-in by consensus reality.
ReVerse Butcher created this Spatial Kaleidoscopic Erasure Poem using a mix of traditional & digital techniques. Beginning with vintage paper stocks & acrylic ink, she then used an iPad Pro & Procreate to create a Kaleidoscopic Erasure Poem from the mirrored, fractured & layered text. Once a VISPO still image was completed, she used Mental Canvas to create the spatial elements of the poem – isolating & projecting key parts of the text & visuals into 3D space to create the flythrough. She then composed the soundtrack in Virtual Reality, using a Meta Quest 2 & Virtuoso VR, & edited the final video together in Adobe Premiere Pro.